MindsetLiterally means "mentality"But lately it has taken on a greater motivational meaning. It focuses on the field of mental health to achieve any goal, both sporting and in our daily lives.
Through these weekly broadcasts I would like to add a positive value to your start to the week and if you allow me to your life in general,Your quality of life will depend directly on the quality of your thoughts. InBanbrokenI try to convey in every process and product these values that I now want to share with you.
Entering matter;
Many things will not be, nor will they turn out as you want, and they are things that you CANNOT control, they are calledEXTERNAL FACTORS; This concept is governed by the callControl dichotomy, In case you want to go deeper... Before this, your mind will pull the principles that we will tell, you will give order to your body and you will take part in HOW to face it. All this will move you along the path to live better.
As a first reflection I invite you to face any dilemma in the following way; before acting, ask yourself... Depends on me or not? Can I really do something about this? Eye! We can always make the best decision to face whatever the answer, but we will see that in the next broadcasts.
NO. A footballer has to take a penalty and his goal, as is normal, will be to score a goal. It has many elements under its control; It controls, for example, how many hours the technique practices, if it decides to train specific, psychological power jobs, what shoes to use, what strength it will exert in the launch etc. But when the time comes, the shot made, if it reaches the target or not, it will depend on fate. A pitch in poor condition, the goalkeeper's stretch where he has made the shot or slipped; it will alter the result, but it is not something that should concern the player, because they are external elements out of his control.
Therefore,Focus on what you can control and understand what you can't control.
Happy day and super strength!
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